Tuesday 24 November 2015

Construction Time

Thank you for all the recycling goods you sent along to school. We have created amazing robots. Here we are hard at work designing and making them. 

Dog Safety

Today we had a visit from the dog safety officers form Ashburton. We learnt about being safe about dogs. If a dog is on its own leave it alone!!!

Monday 16 November 2015

Assembly Movie

Here is Room 5's movie from our assembly! We hope you enjoy it!

Saturday 24 October 2015

Getting our Dance on

Our first dance lesson is done and we had lots of fun!! Janie taught us some beginners moves - let's see if we can remember them next week.

Thursday 15 October 2015

Out in the sunshine

We have been practising for our Athletics day coming up in week 3. We hope you can come and support us - Thursday the 29th of October. See you there. 

Life Education Bus - Visiting Harold!!!

We have had a busy start to the term! And it will continue to get busier. On Monday morning we had the Life Education Bus. We got to see Harold and we talked about senses and our personality. It was good fun we can't wait to go back on Friday. 

Wednesday 9 September 2015

A big sand castle

We had fun building a big sand castle last Friday in the sun!! 

World Literacy Day

Today at school we celebrated World literacy day. We dressed up as our favourite book character, read stories with our buddy class, and heard stories from Mr Melrose. It was a great day and we can't wait for next year.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Student of the week

On Friday we celebrated Merika at assembly. She Hampstead Schools student of the week because she is kind and caring, always tries her best, looks out for others and offers to help out. Well done Merika! 

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Road Safety

Constable Chris has come to talk to is about road safety. We have been learning about crossing the road, walking on he footpath and how to be safe around traffic. Make sure you practise using the road and footpath safety with your child. 

Japanese students visit

We had a group of Japanese students visit our school. We sang some songs for them and they preformed some items for us. Back in the classroom they taught us how to use Chopsticks to pick up small rubbers. It was tricky but we all tried hard! 

Thursday 30 July 2015

Magic Milk

On Monday Room 5 did an experiment. It was Magic Milk. It looked like zombie brains. First I put put the cotton bud in the plate. Next it swirled around. My favourite part was the swirly colours. - By Jessie On Monday in Room 5 we did an experiment. It swirled and curled and it turned all gray. First Miss Ovens put the dye in. Miss Overend put the plates out. Next I put the cotton bud in the green dish washing liquid.Then I put the cotton bud in the plate. When i put the cotton bud i the plate it went in lines. It went all white and green. We had to do our name letters. By Lilly

Thursday 2 July 2015

3D Shapes

We have been learning about 3D shapes in Room 5. This morning we made some cubes. A cube has 8 corners and 12 edges. The corners were delicious!!

Monday 22 June 2015

Low, Middle or High - New passing games

Today Mark taught us some new games to practise our passing. We can't wait for next week when we learn 'Piggy in the Middle'.