Tuesday 24 March 2015

Student of the week

This week we celebrated Taurean as Hampstead Schools' student of the week. He always tries his hardest and gives everything a go. Good work Taurean. 

Crazy hat day

We wore crazy hats for mufti day today. Don't they look awesome!!

Friday 13 March 2015

Water Conservation

We were very lucky to have a special lesson this week to learn about water conservation. We learnt about the water cycle and the importance of using our water wisely. We came up with some ideas to help save water: 
1) turn the tap off when you brush your teeth
2) have short showers
3) turn off your sprinkler at night 
I hope these tips can help you save water at home. 

Ball skills with Mark

This week we had a great time in the sun learning about bowling a small ball. It was really tricky but we got better as the lesson went on. Thanks Mark!

Sunday 8 March 2015

Dump Trip

Last Wednesday we had a great trip to the dump. We learnt lots about rubbish and recycling. We are going to be a lot more careful with what we put in the rubbish bin. Thank you to or helpers that came with us. We would not have been able to go without you.