Thursday 30 April 2015

Nepal Coin Trail

On Tuesday 5th May we will have a coin trail to raise money for the people of Nepal. Send a coin along to school with your child if you can. Every little bit helps. 

Cross Country training

We have been training hard for the Cross Country. Come and cheer us on at 2.20pm on Friday the 8th of May. Thanks Room 10 for encouraging us today. 

Saturday 25 April 2015

ANZAC Day service

On Friday we had our school ANZAC day service. Merika did a great job being our wreath bearer. We will remember them. 

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Laptops with Room 6

On the last day of school we did some work on the laptops with Room 6. They know a lot about computers and showed us lots of cool things. We took lots of photos using different effects, looked at other classes blogs and made vokies. Thanks Room 6 we had lots of fun. 

Aston's kittens

We had a visit from Aston's kittens. They were very cute and fluffy. We had to be very carefully because they were very small. 

Book study

On the last week of Term we did lots of reading activities about Hairy MaClary. We what'd clips on the active board, read lots of different Hairy MaClary stories, did an activity booklet, made dog posters and made human dog biscuits. Here is some pictures of us making and eating 'the dog' they were yummy!!

Weaving Stories

On Monday Lisa was teaching us in the hall. I couldn't believe it! We learnt about weaving. First we handed the weaving around the circle, the whole circle. Next we listened to Lisa talk about weaving. I like the fish that Lisa made. By Zara Lee On Monday we went to the hall. A lady called Lisa told us about weaving. First we sat down quietly on the mat and we waited. Next we got to hold her weaving. I got to hold a fish. My favourite part was when I got to hold the fish and the caterpillar. I hope to make a fish for myself. By Chloe Hill On Monday we went to the hall because we went to talk about weaving. First we got to touch the weaving. Next Lisa taught us how to make a fish. Then we went back to class. My favourite bit was when she made a fish. By Wyatt Darrell


We were very lucky to have Lisa come to school and show us some of her weaving. We will be doing our own weaving in Term 2 and it was cool to see some of the things she made out of flax. 

Crazy Hat Day

For Mufti day we could wear crazy hats to school. Check out our hats. Some of them are pretty crazy!!