Monday 22 June 2015

Low, Middle or High - New passing games

Today Mark taught us some new games to practise our passing. We can't wait for next week when we learn 'Piggy in the Middle'.

Thursday 18 June 2015

Building towers

In Room 5 we are very creative. Look at the tower we built altogether one rainy morning. 

Sunday 14 June 2015

The New Bike Track

We give the new bike track the thumbs up. We went to explore on foot this afternoon and we can not wait to take our bikes for a ride on Friday. Friday is the year 0-2 day on the bike track. Don't forget your helmet!! :)

Ball skills with Mark

We have been practising our ball skills with Mark on a Monday. We are getting better but still need lots more practise. We are learning to do low, medium and high passes that our partner can catch. Here is a video of our warm up game of Cops and Robbers.

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Backwards we go!!

Mark gets us to move in different ways. We find going backwards really tricky!!

Maori Commands

We have been learning to say and respond to Maori commands this term. We have learnt lots of songs to help us. This is our favourite, we hope you enjoy it.