Thursday 30 July 2015

Magic Milk

On Monday Room 5 did an experiment. It was Magic Milk. It looked like zombie brains. First I put put the cotton bud in the plate. Next it swirled around. My favourite part was the swirly colours. - By Jessie On Monday in Room 5 we did an experiment. It swirled and curled and it turned all gray. First Miss Ovens put the dye in. Miss Overend put the plates out. Next I put the cotton bud in the green dish washing liquid.Then I put the cotton bud in the plate. When i put the cotton bud i the plate it went in lines. It went all white and green. We had to do our name letters. By Lilly

Thursday 2 July 2015

3D Shapes

We have been learning about 3D shapes in Room 5. This morning we made some cubes. A cube has 8 corners and 12 edges. The corners were delicious!!